Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Prayer Request

Soo....I hate to cause an unprecedented number of posts here, but I have a prayer request. This just seemed like the most efficient way to share it. =)

Some stuff came up at work last night and this morning that really exposed some serious pride issues in my heart that I had not seen. (Y'all probably noticed it more than me, cause I'm apparently blind to my own faults. *facepalm*) Anyway, I'd really appreciate your guys' prayer for me in that regard. I'm pretty ashamed of myself and could use some divine help.

Thank you so much!


I'm leaving the blog here, I know that many of you will continue to post here. Don't look for me to show up much online, as I have no time anymore for blogs. I'm gonna post every now an then, but I kinda like sleep, and I dont get home till 2 in the morning. Sooo..


Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Just in case y'all didn't know....

BethAnn is in CO visiting family. She's basically preoccupied. Should be home tomorrow or Thursday, I think.

Arielle is in Guatemala on a missions trip. If you think of it, pray for her body. She was having trouble with her back and her wrist right before she left. She comes back Saturday, pretty sure.

B-Rad's internet crashed Monday night, so he may or may not have it up and running again yet.


I'm gonna vanish from the blog for a while in order to think, fight off depression, and sort out what I am going to do about certain things. You know how to find me. how to leave me messages. how to contact me. All of you. Farewell, for nows.


Monday, August 15, 2011


this place needs more postings.
In any case, Behold the green writing on the wall! Or red, if you look at the fact that I am crazy. 
I have come to the conclusion that we don't talk enough. We need somewhere we can all chat. Facebook is great for that. Arielle put together a group for us a while back. Lets use it! Lets also find a place where Lindsey can join us, as she is stubbornly refusing to join Facebook... :P :P :P 


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Hey y'all

Forgive me for messing with the blog. The blacks and lifeless fonts were getting to me :)
I just wanted to say that yes, our family is going through a hard time. We're not the same people we were when we met a year ago. But that's what being a family is about. We screw things up and our families stick with us while we ride out the consequences. We can do that too. We can stick together until everything works out again and we're a family like before.
We're all busy with our own things and we're all struggling with our own troubles but if we can take the time for each other then our pain will be less because that's how it works as a family with God's love.
I miss y'all and I don't wanna lose the people who saved me. I love you.